On 10/09/2015 01:33 AM, Евгений wrote:
I think fresh PPA is - https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/ppa

There are instaructions on how to add ppa in your distro (see "Read about 
After that you can use any way to install libreoffice.
I am using fresh ppa on 12.04 and have no problems with dependencies.

If you can not do something - post what you do and what happens or what errors 
you get.

I tend not to use PPA for LibreOffice. I want more control over what version of LibreOffice I have installed on all my systems and when they get upgraded to a newer version. I have some systems [Windows 10 and Ubuntu 14.04 or 15.04] running 5.0.x, while others run 4.4.x. I sometimes remove and install different versions of LibreOffice for testing and evaluation for my needs and others I have dealt with so I can recommend the "proper" version of the software and/or let them know when it is time to upgrade to a new version.

Of course, in later posts there is a lot of talk about command line installs and noob. "Linux is not for noobs" was one statement, but how does noobs not stay noobs without working with the OS? I have been working with Linux since the 2004 or so. I have has a Linux desktop as my default system since later 2009 or early 2010. I still do not know even a third of what I would like to know or what people tell me I need to know. So to some, I am still a noob. Since I have been working with computers since the smallest ones were the size of refrigerators and punch cards were the normal program storage method, I have worked with these things for a long time, on-and-off. SO, I have seen a lot of noobs learn what they need to no longer be considered a noob. They did so by working with the package or OS and not avoiding it since they are noobs. If a person think you should avoid things you are a noob for then that same person could also say you should avoid switching from MS Office to LibreOffice since you would be new to the package and should avoid using it. I have been using LibreOffice since almost "day one" and I know very little about the things LibreOffice can do for which I have no use for. So I must be a noob after these 4 or 5 years, or at least to some people on this list.

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off topic, but part of the post

Why are you still using Ubuntu 12.04? Since 14.04 LTS has been out for a year+ and 15.04 is out with 15.10 coming out soon, why have you not used the upgrade manager and installed the newer version[s] of Ubuntu? If there is a good reason why 14.04 or newer does not work for you, it would be nice to know.

I started to have dependency issues with it last year when installing some new software. Of course, 14.04 caused some dependency issues when it dropped support for some dependencies needed for my Canon printer.

The big reason, for me to go beyond 12.04 was the fact that a lot of my favorite software had updates/upgrades that would not work on 12.04.

To get around the 14.04 dependency issues, I upgraded from 12.04 and DID NOT allow the outdated packages to be removed in the upgrade process. That kept the driver dependent packages from being removed. To be honest, this desktop I am typing from was wiped clean since I went from Linux Mint to Ubuntu with MATE d.e.. I installed 12.04 and then installed all my printers and other packages/drivers needed. Then I upgraded to 14.04. If I did not install the printers/drivers at this stage, then it caused some issues when installing them after the 14.04 upgrade was finished.

The reason I question about still using 12.04 LTS is the fact that there are a lot of kernel and other internal updates/upgrades that might be important down the line. The only issue I have seen was with an old package - Kompozer - that does not work with the new GUI interface, or something like that. The upgraded drivers/packages that is the basis for having a graphical display will not work with Kompozer - my default WYSIWYG editor for web pages. I have to find a replacement, since Kompozer is no longer an active project and will not be upgraded to work with the new graphical systems.

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