Le 11 octobre 2015 14:43:39 GMT+02:00, Alex Thurgood <alex.thurg...@gmail.com> 
a écrit :
>Le 11/10/2015 14:15, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :
>> I do not know where you got that support and security updates are
>only available on Linux.  That is factually wrong and serious bullshit.
>Get your facts straight: support is the same for the three officially
>supported platforms: Windowslinux and OS X. Remember that many code
>contributors have customers too. 
>I would be interested in learning where longterm support for "older"
>versions of LibreOffice on OSX which involves security updates and bug
>fixes is generally available. It would certainly help me explain to
>people on bugzilla using older versions of LibreOffice on OSX why there
>is no hope of bug xyz being fixed unless they upgrade both their OS and
>install the latest version of LibreOffice.

Indeed if you speak of older versions (as in versions currently not availabe as 
one of our two branches) , the LibreOffice project itself has no support for 
this. Companies such as CIB or Collabora usually do on all platforms. 

Now I realize there may be frustrations involved by handling upgrades but you 
would still deploy upgrades anyway regardless of the software. Would automatic 
incremental updates do the trick for you?

>If I look here :
>Either I can't read properly or else the information at that place is
>incorrect. As I was unable to find anywhere on the LibreOffice website
>that indicates that there is support available for "older" versions of
>LibreOffice on OSX < 10.8, then may I assume that my facts are indeed
>right after all ?

Your facts are wrong as you expect from LibreOffice what you don't expect from 
any other software, which is ad vitam support for free by the community. In 
short you expect "the butter, the money for the butter, the smile and thanks 
from the dairy merchant" all at the same time. 

So yes indeed, LibreOffice does not support all its versions... but then who 
does ?  Microsoft ?  Mozilla? Does AOO support the 3.3? Does it patch the 
3.2.1? No? How outrageous. :-)



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Hello Alex, 
Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec K-9 Mail. Veuillez excuser ma brièveté.

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