marianne-x wrote:
A minor tale of woe:

I have been trying for years to convince a young lady friend to break
away from slavish dependence upon Micro$oft, and at least give LO, et.
al,, a try.

Her Curtains machine, running on Vista, finally got so clogged with
untraceable trash that a complete system reload seemed the only remedy.

That meant re-authorizing the bundled M$ office suite and Bill,
apparently continuing his unholy lust for revenue, refused to accept her
utterly legitimate "product key".

What a chance to gain a convert but, alas, LO queered the deal once again.

I downloaded the software at least 6 times, mostly from the Clarkson U.
mirror where TDF sends one by default, but from at least one other
mirror as well.

4.4.6 three times, 218,736 KB each; 4.4.5 at 219,300 KB; 5.0.3 twice at
215,632 KB each. None of these would install, or give any indication of
why they wouldn't.

Readers may assume that my procedure is at fault, and it may well be,
but after these failures I had no trouble fetching and successfully
installing AOO, Abiword, Jarte, HexEdit, Foxit, Firefox, Thunderbird,
Audacity, &c.

I have a number of LO .msi files, going back to 3.5.4, on my own
machines (all Curtains 7), and can try transporting them to the target
via an external drive, in case there is actually something squirrelly
about today's downloads.

But, after this experience, the would-be client - fearful of change in
any case - can be excused for looking askance at LO, and may be a lost

For my own edification, even if there's no salvaging today's fiasco,
does anybody have any suggestions as to how such a supposedly foolproof
process can go so far awry?


I have some recollection of having had problems installing software which required Microsoft .NET Framework on a clean system. It was several years ago, so not certain of the details, but it may have been OpenOffice. Basically, with no version of .NET installed, the installer would fail with a rather unhelpful error message (it would be useful to know what errors you got, if any). With a version of .NET installed (even if not the right version), the installer then gave a message saying which version is needed. Bit of a catch-22 I think - the installer couldn't run at all without .NET Framework, but having any version it could get far enough to work out that it's the wrong version and say what it needs.

It may not be the problem, as I thought Windows Vista came with a version of .NET preinstalled, but I may be wrong. I'm also not sure whether "Curtains" is another name for "Windows" or something else entirely? Anyway, it might be worth trying to install the latest .NET from <> and see if the installer will then run (or at least which version of .NET is needed).


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