yahoo-pier_andreit wrote:
on my PC=Dell latitude E6510, RAM=8Gb, GPU=GT218 NVS 3100M, CPU=i7 Q 720
@ 1.60GHz, OS=opensuse 13.2 KDE= 4.14.9
with libreoffice Version: Build ID: 00m0(Build:1) Locale: en-US
I have a table with 2 columns and about 10 rows and I cannot delete
carriage returns (the non printable character lsimilar to q ) in the
cells, so the cells result with two lines.
how can I delete this character to have a single line row??

Are there actually two lines? i.e. can you place the cursor on the second line and start typing? It may have changed in version 5.0, but in 4.4 I see the paragraph break character at the end of every line in a table cell, including the last. So even with only one line in the cell, there is a paragraph break character.

If you can't actually enter text on the line following the break, you probably have "spacing below paragraph" set on the Table Contents style (or whichever style you're using) - on the Indents & Spacing tab of the paragraph style settings.


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