This first section looks good as is;
          but does have a few grammatical errors which I'll point out in [

       In spite of what some computer users say or do, I'll continue to
stick with proper grammar -
          after a period in a sentence there should be 2 spaces even though
these machines default to only 1;
          and double quotes are for conversations - single quotes - or in
your Norwegian << >> - would be used for empasis,

       And BTW - looks as if you've spent a lot of time creating a very
good site & program,

How to open LibreLogo in LibreOffice

The great majority who use LibreOffice do not know there is a Logo variant
in Writer.  There are no direct links to LibreLogo on the menus.  The only
way, I think, is to open a new text document.  In the main menu at the top
of the page, press the View → Toolbars → Logo.  This will open the
LibreLogo toolbar.  This toolbar contains some buttons to control the
turtle and a command line where you can enter commands. Press on one of the
buttons to bring up the turtle.

   ['great' is superfluous ...

      'I think' is superfluous; you're the writer therefore this can either
be left out or changed to possibly or probably ...

         'turtle' ...

            command line to enter commands.]
[image: vise film]
The Buttons on the Menubar

Every time you press on buttons Backward and Forward the turtle will be
moved 10 pixels backwards or forwards.  Buttons Right and Left will turn
the turtle 15º clockwise or counter-clockwise.   Button Home moves the
turtle to the starting point in the middle of the page with the head
upwards.  Clear screen will remove all drawings from the page.  Start and
Stop are used to start and stop the execution of the program.  The command
line is used for entering commands, one line at a time.  The button to the
right of the command line is used to configure all commands with large
letters and to translate the program into other languages.  This is not
used in this overview.

   [Each time you press on any button - ...

      will move ...

         backward or forward ...]

If the purpose is to learn programming, only the command line and buttons
to clear the screen and put the turtle back is helpful. The others buttons
is used to create shapes without programming.

   [are helpful.  The other buttons are]

From: Kolbjørn Stuestøl <>
Date: Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreLogo tutorial

Yes, I appreciate all help.
But there is no hurry.
And yes. « equals (start) "; » equal (end) ". Single quotes are used as in


Den 04.12.2015 17:33, anne-ology skreiv:

        Thank you; I'm glad I was helpful.
>         Do you still need the other pages done as well?;
>            I was planning to go down the left-side list; but if you have
> what you need ... ... ...
>           [I've been an editor most of my life  ;-) ]
>         BTW - sounds as if Norwegian is similar to English with these
> quotes
> ...
>            double for quoting; single in English parallel to <<>> in
> Norwegian  ;-)
> From: Kolbjørn Stuestøl <>
> Date: Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 5:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreLogo tutorial
> To:
> I have uploaded the new version of the front page with your suggestions.
> I have removed the quoting in  "Basically a mechanical "turtle" … " . In
> Norwegian the double quotes are telling the reader that this is not a real
> turtle but something turtle-like. (Actually we uses the characters « and
> »). The quoting used in the front page was a left over from Norwegian.
> Again: Thank you for proofreading the site.
> Kolbjørn
> Den 04.12.2015 01:58, anne-ology skreiv:
>          looks interesting; I'd be glad to help -
>>             below I've copied your front page - in [ ] you'll find my
>> suggested changes.
>>          I have found some wordings which I don't understand, so have
>> placed
>> ?s by them ...
>>             as in this e-message "the perfect is the goods worst enemy I
>> am
>> told";
>>            haven't a clue as to what you might be referring  ;-)
>> Programming with LibreLogo
>> *Libre Logo is a dialect of the programming language Logo, which was
>> developed both acting as a tool for introduction to programming and for
>> better understanding of mathematics.  Basically a mechanical 'turtle' was
>> programmed from a computer.  In later editions the mechanical **'turtle'
>> was replaced by a turtle like symbol and the language became expanded.
>> Also LibreLogo can do more than moving the turtle, but since it probably
>> is
>> the turtle graphics that will be used by most people, I have placed the
>> most emphasis on that part.*
>>      [assumption: this is a program to write various computer program - if
>> so, then stated well]
>>      [point of grammar: double quotes are for quoting, single quotes are
>> for
>> emphasis thus the change above]
>> This introduction was based on the version of LibreLogo as used in
>> LibreOffice from version 4.2 on but slightly modified for version 5.0 if
>> necessary.
>>      [are you saying you used LO to write this program?; are you saying
>> you
>> changed to a newer LO version to continue writing this program? - if so,
>> then you can give credit to LO in the bibliography - if you're attempting
>> to say something else, then ?what??]
>> What differs Logo from other programming languages is the turtle.  Getting
>> the turtle to draw more or less complex shapes on the screen set the usual
>> requirements for the programmer to be precise both in writing, logic and
>> mathematics.  Since the results of the programming becomes visible in an
>> understandable manner as soon as the program is executed, this also
>> motivates in the art of programming. If the wanted triangle becomes
>> anything else than a triangle, it is up to the programmer to figure out
>> what is wrong in the program. Did you wonder why Logo sometimes is called
>> 'Turtle graphics'?
>>      [use - What makes Logo different ...
>>         possibly use - this motivates the user to further program or this
>> motivates the user to program or ?whatever you might mean??]
>> Logo is also used with good results in teaching mathematics.  The big
>> problem is that teachers in the discipline has too little knowledge of
>> Logo.  As far as I know, there is not any systematic research on the use
>> of
>> Logo in the classroom.  When I tried it, around 1980, the result was very
>> good.  The only problem was that the computers was placed in a separate
>> computer lab, not in the classroom.
>>      [Logo is also usable, and with good results, in teaching mathematics.
>> But teachers have little knowledge of Logo.  There doesn't seem to be any
>> research on the use of Logo within the classroom.  Around 1980, I
>> attempted
>> to use it with good results although the computers were not in the actual
>> classrooms.]
>> Using this site
>> The menu on the left side contains headings for the various pages.  If you
>> start at top and work your way down, you get in the first pages a step by
>> step introduction to programming with LibreLogo from the command line.
>>      [Starting at the top, reading down, is a step-by-step introduction to
>> programming with LibreLogo.]
>> Notation and command names
>> Like all other programming languages, LibreLogo has rules for writing
>> commands.  This is explained together with the explanation of each
>> command.  LibreLogo has in some cases more than one name for the same
>> command.  On these pages I mostly uses just one name for not to confuse
>> the
>> reader.  You will find a complete list of all names in "Commands" in the
>> menu.  You will also find a command overview in the Help section for
>> LibreLogo.
>>      [As with all programming ...
>>         possibly delete 2nd sentence - ?what are you attempting to say??
>> ...
>>            LibreLogo has, in some cases, ...
>>               ; on these pages, I use only one name so not to confuse the
>> reader. ...
>>                  (a complete list of all names is in 'Commands' in the
>> menu)
>> ...
>>                     There is a Command overview in the Help section for
>> LibreLogo.]
>> Some commands are defined or explained in many locations.  This to avoid
>> the user jumping back and forth between pages.  In the list of commands,
>> you can click on most command names to jump to a page where the command is
>> described in detail.
>>      [?what's reason for 1st & 2nd sentence?? ...
>>         In the lists of commands, each command is clickable, opening to
>> where
>> that command is explained.]
>> Why this site?
>> When I discovered LibreLogo, I maybe get a little nostalgic.  I had not
>> used Logo since about 1980, and discovered I had to brush up my mind a
>> bit.  There was little to find about programming in LibreLogo, so I
>> started
>> writing this simple introduction.  Logo is in fact fun.
>>      [maybe I become a bit nostalgic. ...
>>         around 1980, and realized I needed to brush up.]
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