-----Original Message-----
From: "Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)" <hyl...@conacher.co.za>
To: LibreOffice Users <users@global.libreoffice.org>
Sent: Sat, 19 Dec 2015 9:44
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Calc formula syntax assistance


Running :O on IMac and have seen there is a 5.0.4 update, 
however, perhaps my issue does not require an update.

Anyway, the formula involves COUNTIF with the search range on another 
sheet and the search criteria in a cell adjacent to the countif formula.


[Did you try this?
=COUNTIF(Data.$C$4:$C$492,<sheet name>.$b17)
Note, I made two adjustments to your formula
• Absolute column reference for the end of the range (your probable intent)
• Sheet reference in the search criteria
The second change is likely to resolve your problem. If not, then you may have 
one or more cells with extraneous space(s). If the extraneous space(s) are in 
the search criteria you can add the TRIM function call there. -- jl]

Each search criteria (B17), is text consisting of spaces, numbers and 
special characters i.e. BLUE GUM LANE (NO'S 1 – 17)

On my version of LO this formula displays a zero as the count of the 
search criteria however on reviewing the Data sheet, I can identify at 
least one exact replica within range, yet it is not counted?

Any ideas to get the correct answer of the number of times a field appears?


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