At 00:35 28/12/2015 -0500, Dave Boland wrote:
How do I get Writer to sort a table using a column with months (January, February, March, etc).) or days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.)? I know that if I change them to a numeric representation it will work, but that is not what I want to do.

Sorry, but we don't know that you don't want to do this unless you tell us exactly why - so I'm permitted to ignore that.

There lots of ways to do this:

o Go to Tools | Options... | LibreOffice Writer | Table | Input in tables, and ensure "Number recognition" is ticked.
o Enter your data as genuine dates.
o Format your data using Table | Number Format...; choose Date under Category and December under Format (or Format code NNNN for days). Note that the appearance of your table is now exactly as you wanted it.
o Sort your values normally, using Numeric for "Key type".

o Copy your table (text) data (or parts of it) to a spreadsheet.
o Sort the material in the spreadsheet. On the Options tab of the Sort dialogue, tick "Custom sort order" and select "January,February,March...". (Days are also available.)
o Copy the sorted material back to your table in Writer.

o Copy your table (text) data (or parts of it) to a spreadsheet.
o Convert values there to genuine dates, using available functions.
o Sort the material in the spreadsheet (using normal numeric sort).
o Either freeze the date values back to text, using TEXT(), and copy the results back into your Writer table,
o Or copy the date values back and format them appropriately there.

There are probably more ...

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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