I tried that. That computer has LO Version Same problem, started at about line 225. Took over a minute to bring up the help menu after clicking help. It took another 30 or so seconds to close the window with the version number, so either something in my sheet is causing a cpu slow down, memory hog, etc. or ...?


On 01/15/2016 12:28 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
This is a pure stab in the dark, but can you run it on LO 4.x? I had loaded LO 5.0.x a few weeks ago and found it crashing often. So, I uninstalled it and reinstalled L.O. 4. Perhaps there's something in v. 5 that isn't ready for spreadsheet prime time.


On 01/15/2016 02:20 PM, John R. Sowden wrote:
I have a SS with about 6 pages, lots of calcs, lookups, etc. about 175K in size. I am running LO ver under Ubuntu ver 14.04 with 4 GB ram.. The other year's sheets of the same size run fine (several a little larger). All of a sudden at about line 250 I hit a brick wall. I enter text, it takes about 5 seconds, sometimes more, to put the data on the screen and give me the cursor back. When loading, the progress bar moves to the center immediately and then stays there for about 25 seconds before it moves on and then displays the SS.

I don't know if I need to "compact" it, although there is nothing in the menu tree that discusses that. I have recopied the formulas that are used in this area from above areas, no change.



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