Good evening all,

I've found myself in a position where I need to drop serious weight for
health reasons.  I have a diet that works (more a complete change of
eating) but I need help in the planning of it.  I have used Libre Office
(and OOo before that) for years, but only for basic word processing and
*light* slideshow presentations.

I switched to the Eat to Live lifestyle last year and never felt better.
The problem is, I found myself eating out a lot (take away salads and
soups) to comply with the diet.  When I bought the stuff myself I either
bought to much, or not enough.  Eventually I caved into just eating what
was available.

Now that you know the backstory, what I'm trying to accomplish is this.

1. I need, using Calc, to create a calender view of the current month.

2. On each day, I need there to be about 5 dropdown menus, populated
with menu choices.

3. Once all of the week is put in (due to a lot of fresh vegetables
being in, it could be every 3 days. I'm flexible.) I need the program to
spit out a shopping list

Simplification of the above:  Throughout a week, I put in some meals
that have 1/2 a cup of spinach here, 2 cups there, ect. I need the
program to spit out total cups at the end of the week. (as an added
bonus, if I can put in that X cups ='s Y lbs of a given item so that I
get weight, even better)

In regards to the above simplification, I don't just need it for
spinach. It's going to giving me a weekly shopping list of every
component in every recipe.

I hope this isn't too long winded, but I'm at my wits end just sitting
here and staring at Calc. I need to make this happen, and fairly quickly

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