
On 2016-01-28 00:02, Tanstaafl wrote:
On 1/27/2016 7:20 AM, Philip Rhoades <p...@pricom.com.au> wrote:
You continue to misunderstand (I am not surprised) . . I am NOT
defending my "beliefs" I am saying clearly that a technical list is NOT a place for proselytising on superstitions or politics or anything else
that does not have something to do with what the list if for.

What you are doing is attacking,

You call it "attacking", I call it pointing out logical, childish errors of thinking.

even insulting people who believe
differently from you by calling their belief system 'superstition',
rather than the normal term, 'religion'.

What is the difference? Is there any evidence for either? No? I guess not . . so as far as I can see, MY God, Jibbers Crabst is better than your God:


Atheism is just as much a 'superstition' - per your meaning - as any
other religion.

Clueless . . how can not being convinced - about an argument that has no evidence to support it - be construed as a superstition? You need a dictionary too . .

Atheists simply choose to have 'faith' in the belief

Clueless . . see above . .

that everything in the world today is just there by some random accident
of nature.

Which, until some evidence is provided to the contrary, is more logical and rational than believing in sky fairies . .

So, Philip, how about coming down off your high horse, and LET IT GO.

Get a life . . and some lessons in English, logic and rational thinking while you are at it . .

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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