At 19:14 03/04/2016 -0400, Marianne Keating wrote:
With Win 7, LO (also confirmed with if one does F1 - shortcut keys - general, one finds a section (here truncated):

Practical Text Input Fields
2. Use the shortcut keys Ctrl+Shift+S to open the *Special Characters* dialog to insert one or more special characters. 10. The Ctrl+Z shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first change.

#2 is wrong, and so blatantly wrong in the ordinary context, that I have to wonder whether there is some misunderstanding on my part. Does the "Text Input Fields" title imply some area of editing other than normal document work, where different rules apply?

Yes. It means a Text Input Field as created by Insert | Fields > | Other... | Functions | Input Field. Whilst the Input Field dialogue is open (either when creating the field or later when editing it), Ctrl+Shift+S does indeed open the Special Characters dialogue.

#10 is also wrong as written, or at least incomplete, inasmuch as normally multiple ^Z strokes would be needed to return to the initial condition.

I suspect the author would claim that this is what is intended by "one step at a time" and that "before the first change" refers to whichever changes have been undone.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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