it immediately crashes when i want to open it.
i cant read it and even open it!
persian pdf documents is not accessible for blinds!
hi pedro.
thanks so much for your testing.
can you please open it with open office, save it as doc and see the
result when openning in libreoffice?
for me it opens in libreoffice 5.0.5 and also 5.1.0 without any crash!
do you think i should report a bug for it?
when the person removed the table in the last page and sent it for me,
i could open it without any problem.
i think its a bug with some kind of tables in libreoffice!
thanks and god bless you all.

On 4/6/16, Ken Springer <snowsh...@q.com> wrote:
> On 4/4/16 6:56 AM, nasrin khaksar wrote:
>> hi every one.
>> one person gave me a very important .docx documents and i wanted to
>> open it with libreoffice 4.4.6
>> when i press enter on my document, unfortunately libreoffice
>> immediately crashed and said the message about crash with unexpected
>> error and tried to recovered it.
>> but unfortunately after recovery, imediately again and again crashed!
>> i tested with libreoffice 4.3.5, 4.3.7 and 4.4.6 and its crash in all
>> versions 4.3 and 4.4 i think!
>> i tested with version and i did not observe any crash!
>> but for many reasons the version is the best version for me
>> and i prefer to only use this version.
>> i called that personed and mentioned this issue.
>> he replyed: its maybe of the table which is on the last page of document.
>> maybe your program is not compatible with tables.
>> he removed the table and i could open it with my favorite version
>> without any problem.
>> can you please help me whats the problem in this regard and why
>> libreoffice my favorite version faced crash in the time of openning my
>> very valuable document?
>> any help is appreciated and i ask god devine mercy and blessings for you.
> Do you need to work with the document or just read it?  Either way,
> depending on the need, there's a PDF option and you're problems maybe
> solved.
> --
> Ken
> Mac OS X 10.8.5
> Firefox 44.0
> Thunderbird 38.0.1
> "My brain is like lightning, a quick flash
>       and it's gone!"
> --
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