Am 08.04.2016 um 13:49 schrieb Bruce Hohl:
> Method 1 - Using Value()
> Use value() function to convert a text string into a number or date.
> Copy the result; paste special as number or date.
> ---
> Method 2 - Search & Replace
> Select (highlight) a cell range then:
> Using Search & Replace (Ctrl+H):
> Search for = .*
> Replace = &
> Under Other Options:
> Y = Current selection only
> Y = Regular expressions
> Click Replace All

Method 3 - Text to Columns
Select a column of cells
Call Data>Text to Columns...
Choose tab as delimiter and hit [OK]

All 3 methods require that your locale setting matches with the data to
be converted.
($1,2345.98) requires English(USA) because of the $, the comma as
thousands separator and the decimal point.
(£1,2345.98) requires English(UK) because of the £, the comma as
thousands separator and the decimal point.
(€1.2345,98) requires German or French because of the € the point as
thousands separator and the decimal comma.

menu:Tools>Options>LanguageSettings>Locale (second option) determines
the cultual context of all text-to-number conversions.

Better you do not import numeric text in the first place. Wrong dates
(2/3/1999 vs 3/2/1999) and wrong numbers (1.234 vs 1,234) can be very
difficult to convert. Simply check the right locale in the import dialog
together with the "detect special numbers" option.

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