Dave Stevens wrote:
anyone know if/how? will rtfm if directed

You don't mention a lot of pertinent information including what OS you're using, what version of LibreOffice you're using, and what version of Numbers file you are working with so it's hard to help with specific advice. I recommend trying to load the Apple Numbers file; if the open file dialog only shows OpenDocument files, try changing the filetype pop-up to show all files (some file prompters will let you do this). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LibreOffice#Supported_file_formats mentions "Apple Numbers '09 or earlier (basic spreadsheets for Numbers)" from version 5.0 released on 2015-08-05.

If this doesn't work, try sharing the Apple Numbers file by posting it to a globally-accessible hoster (such as archive.org) so others can try opening it and converting it for you.

You can also try using Numbers to load the file you have and export the data you want to keep (pictures, sounds, tables of data, etc.) into files other programs can load (pictures as TIFFs or PDFs; sounds as WAV, AIFF, or FLAC files; tables of data as ODF, CSV, or some other format commonly used).

In theory one of these approaches should let you keep the data you care about, import that data into a free software spreadsheet, and avoid future file format lock-in such as you currently have with Apple Numbers which is proprietary software.

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