The letter gap seems to me that you could the

"Format/Character/Position/Spacing" option with Expand or Condense and its point variations.

I have not used that optional setting more than a few times over the past few years. Using that with the various justification options, you should be able make the lines look better.

I too do not know how to use Scribus. I use to make documents using Adobe PageMaker 7 for Windows, back in the late '90s or early '00s, just about inDesign replacing it.

On 05/01/2016 03:55 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
To me some of this sounds like it's going into "desktop publishing" rather
than just word-processing.  Writer is generally much more of a desktop
publishing than Word.

However something like Scribus or another proper desktop publishing program
might allow a lot more finesses.  I've never had the patience to learn
Scribus but i found that Inkscape offered me some interesting options such
as moving letters within a word so that the gap around narrow letters (such
as "l") and wider letters (such as "w") looked more comfortable rather than
being technically correct but looking slightly wrong.  To a large extent
non-monospace fonts already do that.  I get the feeling that Writer
defaults to sorting out some of that issue too.  I think that is one of the
many reasons Writer documents tend to look far better than ones done in
Word but a proper desktop publishing program should probably give far more
control over that process.  Inkscape is really not a desktop publishing
program - it's for editing scalar-vector graphics - but my 'art' had a
couple of words in it.

Scribus is freee and OpenSource but i found it too difficult to figure-out
in the less-than-no-time i had on the rare occasions i kinda needed a DTP.
It was faster for me to stick with doing horrible kludges to force things
to work with 1 particular machine and 1 particular printer.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 30 April 2016 at 01:20, Brian Barker <> wrote:

At 12:02 30/04/2016 +1200, Zed Noname wrote:

Mike Scott wrote:

Sample: try putting this into an A4 page, 2cm margins, TNR 12pt, fully
justified). You should get 4 lines, of which the third has 3 long words
with large spacing.

F ads dfg sdfg sdffg sdfg sdfg sdf gsd fgs dfg sdfg sdf gsd fgsdf F ads
dfg sdfg sdffg sdfg sdfg sdf gsd fgs dfg sdfg sdf gsd fgsdf F ads dfg
sdfg sdffg sdfg sdfg sdf gsd fgs dfg sdfg XXX gsd fgsdf
ddddddddddddddddddddddd sssssssssssssssssssssss
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dfg sdfg sdf
gsd fgs dfg sdfg sdf gsd fgsdf

Very strange here.  Copy and pasted sample and set margin, text type and
text size as suggested and then did copy + paste. Text appeared as above.

The poster's original was one continuous paragraph which, as he said,
would spread across four lines when flowed into the specified document.
Somewhere in the mail transmission system or in your mail client, that
single paragraph has been split into six paragraphs, which will not show
the effect, of course. If you reassemble the single paragraph, you will see
what he means.

Oh, and if you insert a line break (not a paragraph break) after "XXX",
you will see exactly the improvement he would like to see happen by default.

Brian Barker

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