Does anyone know this?

The default numbering style gives left-aligned numbers and very little tab spacing behind or in front of the numbers, causing weird behaviour when the number changes from 9. to 10. in some fonts.

I can change the style but apparently I have to change it every time I make a new list.

When you edit the paragraph style, there is not such a section as for the formatting options of bullets and numbering.

You can edit or select a numbering style for the default style, but that means EVERYTHING turns into a numbered or bulleted list.

I don't want the style to "be" a list, I want the format options for its list to be different, at least.

Regular lists do not belong to a different style, they are still the Default Style.

How do I apply this to the default style, or, program wide? Preferably the default style (or any style really).

I have now solved it by creating a new style exclusively for lists.

The style inherits from the default style and takes List1 as the list thing. But I messed up the list1 by changing stuff for 1-10 in one go, now I have to redo everything and for every level I haven't used yet.

But now at least levels 1 and 2 are to my liking.

Now I will probably need to learn how to export styles so these changes don't get lost.

But seeing the amount of times I install or work on new systems, what can I do? Am I supposed to keep a personalized LibreOffice git repository or something because this takes so much time getting it right?

Love to hear your thoughts.


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