From 1987-2002 I used and developed applications in PC-File (a flat-file, dbf-based, shareware database) to help with my bookkeeping work and various other tasks in the company I worked for. Then from 2002 I moved to Access 97 and developed dozens of (mostly relational) applications for the same job from 2002-2007. Then I moved to a different state, and have not worked professionally with databases since. However, I do still have 3 personal database applications that I use in what is now Access 2003.

What I want to do is to migrate those applications to LibreOffice Base, or to another open-source database front-end. From what I've read on this list, I gather that will basically mean re-creating them, almost from scratch. I also gather that I will want to use an external database program (HSQLDB? Firebird? SQLite? ..). But I have no knowledge of those programs. Is there a good tutorial somewhere for any of them? Preferably one that goes thru the process of using Base as a front end for them?

-- Tim Deaton
I know the plans I have for you:
Plans to prosper you and not to harm you;
Plans to give you hope and a future.
               --- God (Jeremiah 29:11)

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