On 07/31/2016 12:49 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
On 7/30/16 3:30 PM, jorge wrote:

On GNU / Linux / Ubuntu, and of course in other distributions, there are
to program that you would probe because could help you to export Access
DB to open document:

1) MDBtools (View and export MSAccess db)

2) Kexi of Caligra Suite that say it is able to read MS Access db

Thanks, jorge. I'll have to check with my "conspirator" on how much effort in learning he's willing to do to create a Linux database.


One thing about Kexi. I looked at it a few weeks ago and discovered that Kexi has a capability of reading Access database files to some degree. However, it reads and converts the access database into its own internal database. Kexi has no capability to interface to and use an external database server (aka "Back End") such as Mariadb or MySQL, as LO Base does.

I am using LO Base as a database client (aka "Front End") on Linux and connected to my Mariadb database server using a Java "connector" driver. I do this because the LO internal HSQDB has limitations that MySQL and Mariadb do not have. You may consider this if your database(s) are large or complex.

Years ago, I had my data in an access (1.1) database and needed to port my data to MySQL. I managed it by using the option in access to output the database as a comma-separated file, much like a spreadsheet ".csv" file. I then was able to set up MySQL to import this file into its database format. Of course, as some others have noted, the forms and reports needed to be recreated. At this time, OpenOffice (before LO was available) did not have a database client which would work with MySQL, so I chose an open source client called Rekall and had to recreate my data entry forms and reports. It was labor intensive, but needed to be done. Then Rekall went bust and I had to find another client. By then, OpenOffice had Base, which would talk to my MySQL database engine. I did not need to do anything with my MySQL database, but I did have to recreate all of my data entry forms and reports yet again - more labor. So, the bottom line is that any time you change database clients, expect to recreate the data entry forms and reports. There is no standard for them. One big advantage to using an external database such as MySQL or Mariadb, is that they use standard SQL, while the LO Base HSQDB database server uses a non-standard version of SQL. So, using HSQDB could lock you in to it.

My databases are critical to me. All of my database software decisions were based on being able to easily port my data to another client or server and not need to recreate it. Depending on the size of your database, that could take much more time than recreating just the forms and reports.

Hope this helps with your decision.  Good luck.
Girvin Herr

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