On 10/17/2016 10:23 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
On 10/17/2016 10:14 AM, Cley Faye <cleyf...@gmail.com> wrote:
2016-10-17 16:07 GMT+02:00 Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org>:
On 10/15/2016 7:02 AM, toki <toki.kant...@gmail.com> wrote:
For my part, I point blank refuse to use MS Word (any version), because
it is completely, utterly and absolutely incompatible with itself (the
same version but on a different computer)--- to the point that they
might as well have been written by two different companies, with
different development teams.
While I would agree there can be problems - sometimes big ones, between
*different* versions of Word (or Excel or Powerpoint), I call BS on your
the above. It simply is not true.

FUD like this does nothing to help with the spread of open file formats.
​While the initial statement is exaggerated,
It is MUCH more than just exaggerated...

moving a file between two computers using the same version of MSO
can produce different results, with no obvious reasons. Of course
after digging enough an explanation can be found,
By all means, please provide an example of something that could cause

Maybe differing versions of VSC++, but I can't think of much else.

but I've seen it happen often enough to be noticeable. This was in
the beginning of the docx format, but I would not be surprised if things
didn't change much in it's ~10 years of existence.
Well, yes, sure, when a new file format is introduced there are a lot of
things that can happen.

But we are not talking about 10 years ago and a brand new file format.
We're talking about now - and I'd include the *recent* past (say, 2-4

I'm not saying it can not ever happen, I'm saying that it isn't even
remotely close to the show stopper problem the OP claimed.

As I kept reading these posting, I wonder about how deeply to you want to go with the "compatibility" between LibreOffice and the various versions of Word? Sure there are issues with the .docx format between different versions of Word, but there are issues with early versions of LO as well. As the developers work on the input/output filters for LO to deal with .docx files, LO is getting better at dealing with the file format. Yes there will be some problems using .docx between LO and Word, but as this thread clearly states, even between version of Word there are problems.

My solution tends to be "old school", since I prefer to use .doc files between LO and the various version of Word that are used by those who send me documents or receive them from me. So far, I have not come across any documents that "need" the .docx format. Sure there are those who need it to do more complex documents, but I prefer not to do them. If I have to create more complex documents, I tend to send the document to others via a PDF file. 9 time out of 10 I do not need to deal with multiple packages and multiple people when creating my more complex documents.

SO, with that said, how deeply do we want to go into compatibility issues? We can nick-pick all of the little issues that require very specific situations, or we can just make a list, with document examples, of all these issues and let them work on modifying the input/output filters.

Also, I must ask again what makes a package to become a "show stopper". Yes it may be depend on who/why people are using LO for their work, but it would be nice to be able to rate how much the issues are considered as a "show stopper".

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