At 14:54 22/11/2016 +0000, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
Using Version: Build ID: 8f96e87c890bf8fa77463cd4b640a2312823f3ad on MAC OS Sierra, with Epson WF 2660 printer Two problems here. 1. In Print>Paper Handling the suggested paper size is US Legal, although every setting I can find is UK and A4. Why is this?

I'm not sure from what you say who is suggesting anything or which of these you actually want. Do you have US Legal paper to hand? I'm guessing that you are perhaps not using the brochure facility correctly,

2. The brochure prints ok, but the text is reduced in size, i.e. doesn't fit the page as in the attached picture link.

The text seems to fit the pages in your picture - though perhaps with oversize margins. Is that your problem?

How do I get a) the suggested paper size to A4, and b) how to get the pages to appear full-size in the brochure?

The method of using the brochure printing facility may not be intuitive. You appear not to be in the US, so I'm guessing that you will be wanting to print on A4 paper, folded to create an A5 brochure. If so, you need to set the *page format* in LibreOffice (Format | Page...) to A5 size and portrait orientation. Set the margins to those you actually want to see on the individual A5 pages - quite possibly smaller than you will be used to setting for A4 pages. When printing, using the brochure facility, choose *paper settings* of A4 size and landscape orientation. (Remember that LibreOffice and its stable mates - unlike some other software - treat paper size as a matter of document format, not just of printer set-up.)

In short, if you think this way, the statement in your Subject header, "Brochure printing doesn't scale to page" is correct - but that's how you'll want it.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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