On 01/24/2017 01:46 PM, Dave Howorth wrote:
On Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:36:49 +1300
Mike Adams <why...@gmail.com> wrote:

In between Uninstalling and Installing if you choose this route i
would look to reset the User Profile Data as well. Information here:
This isn't Windows! I'm not reinstalling something that my distro has
installed unless I first know exactly what has gone wrong, if anything.

My personal suspicion is that this still looks like a build error.

I understand where you are coming from, and I agree with you that it looks like a build problem. I currently run LO on a Slackware Linux system. For years, I have been building my own Slackware installation packages from the downloaded LO "rpm" binaries. When I download the LO program, I always download the corresponding LO help package along with it. I have a shell script that takes those two distributions and makes a single Slackware installation package. I have never seen the symptoms you describe you are having, so my guess is that the helppack did not get built or installed into your LO distribution.

As for the "reset the user profile" answer, that seems to be the stock knee-jerk reaction to strange LO behavior for years. Instead of deleting my user profile (which is more than one file and I have never been told exactly which file is the culprit), what I do, is to move (or copy-delete) the profile directory, ~/.config/libreoffice/4 (if you are using LO 4+) on my Slackware system, to a temporary directory and start LO again. These files are not part of the LO distribution, but are created by LO when it does not find them on startup. Thus "resetting" them to the default configuration hard-coded into LO. If that works, then you get to reconfigure LO to your liking and all is well. If not, you can move the saved files back (after closing LO) and you are back to where you are now. Consider it a diagnostic procedure. So, it is a bit different than a windows environment: reboot for everything.

Girvin Herr

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