also sprach Philip Jackson <> [2017-02-28 05:23 +1300]:
> Using Tools > Outline numbering on the 'numbering' tab, select
> level 1 and set paragraph style to 'Heading 1' then, select level
> 2 and set paragraph style to 'Text Body' and 'show sublevels' = 2.

Ah, interesting, this opens up new perspectives, and it even makes
sense to treat paragraphs as outline elements.

The immediate problem I have of course is with sub-headings, i.e. if
paragraphs are outline level 2, then I can only have headings at
level 1.

If, however, I need two levels of headings, then paragraphs must be
on level 3, which then means that I always have to have level
2 headers, or else paragraphs get numbered e.g.

    1. My heading

    1.1. my subheading

    1.1.1 This is the first paragraph

    2. My second heading without subheading

    2.1.1 This is the first paragraph, which is a bit confusing
          because there's an extra 1. At least it's not a 0.

I know one is best advised not to mix outline aith automatic
numbering, but it'd still be rather useful, I find, to have the
ability to prepend "context" to numbering styles.

If I made a feature request about this, do you see any chance of
someone taking it on?

Thanks for all your help!

@martinkrafft | |
one has to multiply thoughts to the point
where there aren't enough policemen to control them.
                                             -- stanislaw jerzey lec

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