There is much debate about whether software should be the subject of
patents, or rather, copyright/copyleft. The website has a
lot of very interesting material about this. It would be very
interesting to know where the Trump dynasty stands on that; could end
up making a lot of difference to the FLOSS communities and they way
they work!? 


On Wed, 2017-04-19 at 07:59 +0000, fudmer rieley wrote:
> The Oracle purchase of Sun allows oracle to claim ownership in
> application software which the whole world contributed to? 
> Is that correct?
> Under prior patent law, it was not the first to file but the first 
> to invent the objects of a patent that had the valid claim to 
> actual patent rights?  Under current law, I understand it 
> now to be the first to file gets all?  Is that correct.
> How does patent law work?  
> A claim is made by filing the claim with the patent authority
> Who has a valid claim one who invents or one who files.
> Think of it this way.. 
> MR. Island discovers how to make an island from the sand
> found at the ocean bottom..  Mr. Island uses his discovery 
> to produce a brand new island the size of the USA State 
> of say Georgia, The Island is now in the middle of the 
> Atlantic Ocean 450 miles off the shore of New York City. 
> between London and New York City.  
> Dr. Patent, LLB, a Lawyer, sees that the mind of Mr.
> Island has produced [invented] a very valuable method, 
> A method that many people would pay a lot of money to
> know about because they too want to build their own 
> private Island in the middle of the ocean.  
> Dr. Patent tells his congress, look guys I want to own the 
> method Mr.  Island invented, please change the law so 
> that i can own his method.  
> Congress debated the issue and decided that many wealthy
> people would like to own the products (inventions) of other
> people´s minds; so Congress passed  a law that lets the
> person who want to own the Island and the person who desire 
> to own the useful method invented by someone, to be able to
> claim ownership in the Island and in the method to produce
> the island. 
> Tangible property law created, out of thin air, ownership 
> rights based on boundary of the property.
> To claim ownership in the Island file that claim in the form 
> of a deed.  
> Intangible property law created, out of thin air, ownership 
> rights in useful ways to do something. 
> To claim ownership in the method used to build the Island,
> file a patent. 
> So on with the story, 
> So to claim ownership in the Island (Mr. Island built) Dr. 
> Patent filed a deed, and had a judge order Mr. Island off
> the Island, because the island is now owned by Dr. Patent
> This is so, Dr. Patent told the judge, because I have the only
> deed ever filed to claim ownership in the land. Mr. island 
> has no deed.   The judge had no choice but to evict Mr. 
> Island. 
> Dr. Patent told Mr. Island, if you will file a claim of ownership
> (that is, a patent) in the method used (invented) to build
> your Island, I will pay you enough for it, so you can live
> comfortably ever after (say $1 million USD)-.   
> Mr. Island was broke having been kicked off his own Island
> so he signed the patent claim Dr. Patent wrote up for him, 
> with the Patent office.  The patent office issued to Mr. 
> Island a patent, which Mr Island then sold to Dr. Patent
> for $1 Million USD). 
> So Mr. Island went to another place in the Atlantic and 
> used the method Mr. island invented to build another 
> Island.. and filed  a deed claiming he owned it.  
> As soon as Mr. Island moved onto his new Island, Dr. 
> Patent filed a patent lawsuit, claiming Mr. Island, infringed
> ¨the method to build Islands¨ patent owned by Dr. Patent.
> The patent court awarded Dr. Patent $1 million USD for 
> patent infringement and ordered Mr. Island to pay 
> Dr. Patent $1 million USD before the day was out.
> From thin air the congress obliged Dr. Patent, and converted
> public lands into private ownership by writing the 
> tangible property law (DEEDs) and again from thin air
> congress created a way to for investors and others to own
> the products of the human mind of inventors 
> (methods of doing things) intangible property law. 
> Dr. Patent licensed the right to use the patent he obtained
> from Mr. Island for $500,000; thus far 50 islands have been
> built using Mr. Islands method owned by Dr. Patent. 
> $500,000 * 50 = $25,000,000 profit earned by Dr. Patent.
> In short, Congress made it possible for Dr. Patent to steal
> both Mr. Island´s Island and his invention of a method to 
> build such an island. 
> The story explains why the top 1% own as much as the 
> entire 99% other percent own. 
> Patents and deeds transfer ownership from the public to 
> the private domain, and ownership transfers wealth from 
> non owners. 
> --------------------------------------------
> On Tue, 4/18/17, toki <> wrote:
>  Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] i have questions about licensing in
> libreoffice.
>  To:
>  Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2017, 8:44 PM
>  On 04/17/2017 09:01 AM, nasrin
>  khaksar wrote:
>  > i heard sometimes that
>  openoffice license is license of oracle company.
>  Oracle purchased Sun. That
>  purchase included the trademarks, copyrights,
>  and other intellectual property rights held by
>  After a
>  couple of years, Oracle donated, including
>  trademarks, copyright, and other intellectual
>  property rights to The
>  Apache Software
>  Foundation.
>  Which means
>  that Oracles does owns neither Apache Open Office nor
>  However, Oracle does own Java, which is used by
>  both LibreOffice and
>  Apache Open Office. 
>  Given a couple of somewhat bizarre legal theories,
>  supported by, what shall be termed
>  "interesting' court decisions, an
>  extremely shaky legal theory can be made that
>  Oracle owns both
>  LibreOffice, and Apache
>  Open Office. As much as I'd like to think that
>  Oracle has persuaded itself that ownership of
>  FLOSS is not possible, I
>  wouldn't put it
>  past them to be willing to squander away a trillion or
>  so dollars, in lawsuits to assert ownership of
>  LibreOffice, Apache
>  OpenOffice, and other
>  FLOSS software that it finds either inconvenience,
>  or a potential cash cow.
>  > is it true?
>  There is an apocryphal story of a first legal
>  intern being told examine
>  a software
>  license. In researching the license, he asked: "Is
>  there any
>  way, shape, or form, in which
>  Oracle can assert control of the
>  software?" Upon being told that Oracle was
>  purchasing the company that
>  made the
>  software whose license was being analysed, the intern said;
>  "I
>  can not recommend accepting this
>  license, because it will depend upon
>  Oracle.
>  As an Oracle license, all terms and conditions are subject
>  to
>  their specific interpretation, which
>  usually comes down to: "All your
>  bases,
>  they belong to us".  Said intern was dully blacklisted
>  by the
>  company. A decade later, one of the
>  members of the board of directors
>  found
>  himself across the dinner table from said intern. The member
>  told
>  the intern that his prediction about
>  what Oracle would do, turned out to
>  be
>  valid, with disastrous consequences to the company.
>  jonathon
>  -- 
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