Is the rainfall data regular (every day) or sporadic.
If sporadic, is the amount of rainfall cumulative since the previous date.

I also take it that you want 2 outputs. The total amount of rainfall over the desired period and the number of data points on which rainfall was recorded over that period.


On 08/05/17 07:55, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:

I have a spreadsheet I use to draw graphs and extract information about the rainfall in my area for the last two years.

I need to create a formula that will count how many days it rained between the start of the year, both last year and this year, so I can compare the amount of rainfall that was received during that time frame.

The example below is a sample dataset that shows how much rainfall was received in 2016 or 2017, on each of the four days

Month    Day    2016    2017
Jan    1    0    15
Feb    29    1    0
May    6    0    1
Sept    22    15    5

From this we can determine that 16mm of rain fell in 2016 over 2 days. Likewise we can determine that 21mm of rain fell in 2017 but over 3 days.

Today is the 7th of May 2017 and I would like a formula to work out how many days the rainfall received between(and incl) 2016/01/01 and the day before TODAY last year. The answer for 2016 is 1 i.e. it only rained once between the dates specified, however the answer for 2017 is 16 as it rained twice between TODAY-1 and 2017/1/1. I had thought of using COUNTIF or DAYS or =COUNTIF(C2:SUM(TODAY()-1,">0")), however the problem is that I do not have a single date column, but three.

This formula will allow me to create a graph showing how much rainfall had fallen last year compared to this year between the beginning of the year(01/01) and the day prior to Today.

I had thought of converting the first two columns into a single and having the text name of the month with each successive line being a new date in that month until the month changed, however I was unable to get it to work i.e. automatically change month after 31 days in January to read February 01. As you can imagine I have 367 rows of data per year, mostly with 0 as a value, however there are odd days it does rain.

Any comments, and if you want the original spreadsheet, just yell where to put it i.e. Nabble etc.


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