On 09/04/2017 07:18 AM, ZevSpitz wrote:
The following code (run under Windows Script Host):

     var serviceManager = new ActiveXObject('com.sun.star.ServiceManager');
     var desktop =
     var document = desktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter",
"_blank", 0, []);
     var textSections = new
     WScript.Echo(textSections.length); // outputs 7 in my case

makes use of the protected function
com.sun.star.XStyleFamiliesSupplier::getStyleFamilies. This function is
described as protected in the

Usually, protected means the member is only accessible from within a derived
class, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

1. What does "protected" mean in this context?

UNOIDL does not have such a public/protected/private concept.

However, the documentation at <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/> is generated with a tool, Doxygen, that is also used to generate documentation for other languages besides UNOIDL (like C++ and Java).

Michael (on CC) extended Doxygen to also support UNOIDL. Looks like there is a bug somewhere that causes the generated output to mention "public" or "protected" where they don't make sense.

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