I have two spreadsheets. I created the first back in June. It uses two sheets, one for registration information (Entrants) which I download from a site that takes registrations for races, and the other (Results) I download from a site that the timer posts results to. The second sheet has the standing information while the first has all the entrant information. I can relate the two by the entrant's name, which is 3 columns in the first sheet and 1 (uppercase) column in the second using the formula:

=N(VLOOKUP(UPPER(TRIM(C2)&" "&TRIM(E2)&".*"),Standings.C$2:J$37,8,0))

where C & E are the first and last name columns on Entrants, Standings.C contains the combines first and last names and column J is the number I want (standing within a division by age and gender). A failed lookup would mean the person registered but didn't complete the event.

This works in the spreadsheet I created in June but doesn't work in the spreadsheet I just created. I traced this down to the &".*" part of the search term. This was intended to handle trailing spaces or other extraneous characters after the person's name. The spreadsheet I created in June didn't have any but the one I just created did. However removing the trailing spaces from the Standings names didn't help. The formula simply didn't work.

Replacing the &".*" with a simple &" " to assume that the names always have a trailing space did work, as did removing the trailing spaces and leaving out the &" ". However the original formula works on the June spreadsheet with or without trailing spaces in the names.

I'm working with both spreadsheets on the same computer using the same copy of LibreOffice Calc ( on a Debian Buster AMD64 system). I can have them open side by side to demonstrate the problem (it's also how I copied and pasted the formula between the two - multiple times - to ensure that it wasn't a typing error).

Does anyone have any ideas on what could be going wrong?

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