Philip Jackson wrote:
I'm mostly using LO on linux but I have kept a version [5.4. ish] of LO
on a Windows box for occasional testing of documents. Having read a
recent post which spoke enthusiastically about some LO 6 features, I
thought I would give it go.

I downloaded and installed both these two files from's
download page :



LibreOffice Writer, Calc and Impress applications appear to work
correctly but trying to get the LO Help (F1) to work brings up an error
message -

"The LibreOffice built-in help is not installed on your computer"

I downloaded the help pack a second time and ran the installer. It
recognised the first installation and offered the repair option, which I
accepted. But F1 help still does not work.

When looking in C:\Program Files\LibreOffice, the help directory appears
to be stuffed with lots of files.

Any ideas how to get the applications to recognise the presence of the
help files?

I'm still on 5.4 so can't check this but, if you haven't already, make sure the UI language to "English (UK)" at Tools > Options > Language Settings > Languages > User Interface. I don't know if it's the case with LibreOffice, but at least one other application I use expects to find help files in a language matching the UI setting. Even if it wasn't the case in previous LibreOffice versions, I guess it's possible that might have changed in 6.0.


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