yes, the libreoffice is one of the opensource programs which anyone
can submit patches and new codes.
i have problem of supporting diacritics for arabic and persian,
developers told me if you know someone who can help you for resolving
your issue, tell to join us and fix the issue.

On 3/22/18, Gilles Gravier <gil...@gravier.org> wrote:
> Liz,
> 2018-03-22 5:51 GMT+08:00 Miss Lizzy <lizbeth...@gmail.com>:
>> I'm about to get a new laptop as my current one is not in compliance with
>> the new General Data Protection Regulations (it's just over 10years old
>> with Windows 7 so no longer supported by Microsoft regarding patches).
>> It has been suggested I use LibreOffice rather than Microsoft Word, Excel
>> etc.
>> I've read a few articles on Libre, but what I would like to know is - you
>> say Libre is an 'open
>> Source software', and input/ patches is by anyone, that's the way I've
>> digested it. So my concern is, do you actually mean 'anyone' or are the
>> patches development by your own team of software developers?  You can
>> obviously see where I'm going with this.
>> I also noticed the software package name has changed over a relatively
>> short period of time. Is it just in name or do folk have to keep down
>> loading new packages?
>> Would appreciate your comments as soon as you can please.
> A (good) open source project is managed the same way as a good proprietary
> software. In the sense that when new code is written, it gets reviews
> according to predefined project governance, and then accepted or rejected.
> That's the difference (in the open source world) between the contributors
> (people who write code, patches, or even documentations, or participate in
> driving community activities...) and the committers, who are the people who
> can accept new contributions into the code base.
> So when somebody writes a patch for a bug (you can, too, if you want, and
> have the skills) and contributes it, it gets fully reviewed and (possibly)
> approved and committed.
> This happens for patches correcting issues, as well as all new code
> bringing new functionality. This ensures that the project also keeps on
> track with what the project strategy team is looking for.
> Does it mean that no bugs get missed? No, of course. But that's the same as
> for any software project. What it means is that there is the same type of
> quality control mechanisms as for proprietary projects... but many many
> more eyes looking at the code for bugs. So in average (COVERITY 2014
> report) open source code tends to actually be higher quality than
> proprietary with a density of 0.61 bugs per thousand lines of code for open
> source versus 0.76 for proprietary (page 6 of the report available here :
> http://go.coverity.com/rs/157-LQW-289/images/2014-Coverity-Scan-Report.pdf).
> Note that in the paragraphs above, I didn't mention what project this
> applies to. It's because it applies to ALL software projects (open source
> or not, LibreOffice or others). :)
> Enjoy the great software LibreOffice from The Documentation Foundation !
> Gilles
> --
> *Gilles Gravier*  - gil...@gravier.org
> GSM : +33618347147 and +41794728437
> Skype : ggravier | PGP Key : 0x8DE6D026
> <http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x8DE6D026&op=index>
> --
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By God,
were I given all the seven heavens
with all they contain
in order that
I may disobey God
by depriving an ant
from the husk of a grain of barley,
I would not do it.
imam ali

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