Thank you for responding,
          but I'm still confused, still inserted below my continued reply,

From: Brian Barker <>
Date: Sat, Mar 31, 2018 at 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] please help ...

At 14:46 31/03/2018 -0500, you wrote:

... am re-sending because I really would appreciate an answer; nary a soul
> has responded yet.

I'm frankly not surprised.

   [I don't understand]

back then, & on the MsFt-compatible computer, I was able to make PPs, ...

Er, what's a "PP", please? If you get no replies, wouldn't it be sensible
to wonder if people did not understand your request? Do you perhaps mean a
presentation (Impress) document? Or something else?

   [sorry, I thought everyone used 'PP' for Power Point presentation or

... saving each version then I would place each of these together to save
> only the best parts.

Why would you create any parts that were not "best"?!

   [for the same reason, when writing anything; first, I get the idea down
as quickly as possible, then I add flourish to it, then after a few days, I
return to the piece to edit]

Do you mean that you could edit slides from different presentations into a
single presentation? Surely you can simply copy slides from the Slides
panel in one document and paste them into the Slides panel of the other
document? Doesn't that still work for you?

   [yes, it allowed me to insert each PP into one; in fact, that's one of
the main reasons I preferred LO to any of these others.
   ok, How can I see the slide panel of the other PP when only the one PP
is open?; are you saying, it's possible to somehow open LO more than once?;
wow, I can't image what this screen would even look like if I had 1/2 dozen
LOs open at one time.]

But this feature seems to be lacking now ...

If you explained how you did it before, someone may be able to comment on
whether your method is still available.

   [hopefully - thank you.]

Yes, I can see how to insert images, ... but not how to insert PPs.

Hold on: if a "PP" is a presentation document, you cannot insert an entire
document into something else. Indeed, what other sort of document would you
be trying to insert it into? So a "PP" cannot be a presentation and no-one
will know what you are talking about.

   [ah, but it was quite possible in the LO 3:]

If no-one answers your question, surely a good start would be to consider
that you might not have expressed it clearly?

Maybe changing to a Mac wasn't a good idea after all; ...

Oh, you may well be right! Ho, ho!

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker - *privately*

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