On 05/12/2018 03:12 PM, Dave Howorth wrote:
On Sat, 12 May 2018 13:17:18 -0400
Tim-L <webmas...@krackedpress.com> wrote:
Eye issues are one of the reasons why I decided to be proactive with
a 20+ inch desktop monitor or use a 29 inch TV as a monitor. I have a
17 inch laptop as well.  I did this knowing my eyes will get worse
over the years and starting to get use to alternatives before I need
Well right. But (a) one shouldn't have to spend extra on larger
monitors to get an font size one can read and (b) if you set your
expectations whilst your eyes are still OK, aren't you worried that
you'll need to buy an even bigger monitor as and when your eyesight
does deteriorate?

I bought the larger monitor, when the old one need replacing. Also, I had upgraded to a full HD graphics card a few months before, when some of my packages started needing a larger resolution. DeVeDe is one that I use that no longer fit on a screen with 1366x768. The 17 inch laptop is my only one that has a large enough resolution.

To be honest, I only buy new hardware when I have some "extra" money to afford it.  I had some unexpected money come in last spring, so I bought a mobility "scooter", the new laptop, a video projector, and other things in order of need to want. With the large resolution laptop, I use it with the largest resolution, but when my eyes get worse I can reduce the resolution. Same with the large monitor. The HD TV as a monitor was originally for streaming online content, since I did not want to pay double/triple the cost for a "smart" TV. Also, it is great to have a volume control on a remote when you want to listen to music or audio books while not close to the player. I do not like to use my phone that way if I am in my apartment.

AS FOR the font size, I know several people who do need larger font sizes to use a computer - most time a laptop is used with access packages like "Onboard" and "Screen Reader" in Linux, or similar types of software on Windows. Also there has been studies about what makes a font easier to read the text better than a different font. I have used a web page "stylesheet.css" file to control the font size and font type.

My default style sheet contains several colors in various sizes and serif and san-serif fonts - listed from preferred to generic with fonts that were installed by default on Windows and Mac systems when I created it.  It really is nice that LibreOffice has the control of the font sizes for the menus and other internal use of text.  I have packages that do not do that - which is too bad for them and their low vision users.

       font-size:   14.0pt;
       font-family: "Georgia", "Palantino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", "Times New Roman", "Times", serif;

      font-family: "Tahoma", "Geneva", "Verdana", "Arial", "Hevetica", "Trebuchet MS", "Monico", san-serif;
      color: #000080;
      font-size: 10pt;

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