I run LibreOffice on Ubuntu-Mate 18.04.

I normally use a "panel tab" to open Writer. Today I looked for a newly installed package in the Applications>Office menu. What I found was 2 sets of the module links listed there. One set had links like "LibreOffice Writer 6.0" and the other set does not have the "6.0" shown.

I use the command of "sudo apt-get remove libreoffice?" before I use "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" to install the DEBS for LibreOffice.

What happened?

The "remove" command should delete the current menu list, with the DEB packages shoul add the update/upgrade to the menu.

I have not installed 6.0.4 yet, so I hope not to have this happen again.  I have downloaded it already.

I just thought this: I look at all of the packages shown in the list of files to be downloaded in the "Software Updater" utility. So it should not have been install in that way. I had that utility downgrade LO during an OS upgrade, so I made sure that it does not happen again.

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