On Mon, 6 Aug 2018 18:46:15 +0100
Tom Davies <tomc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi :)
> It 'shouldn't do'  but what should happen and what actually happens
> are often at least 2 different things.  In this case it's very
> unlikely to go wrong though.
> The main thing is to have a duplicate 'copy' in ODF format as a
> back-up in case the file does go wonky.  Ideally either emailed to
> yourself, or copied to a Cloud, or saved on a usb-stick or on a
> different machine or just somewhere other than the 1 place you
> usually use it from.
> I suspect that your file is of the type that it's already got several
> old versions of itself floating around in different places already -
> and that might be enough if the main up-to-date version ever does go
> wonky.
> Between LibreOffice 3.x.x and 4.0.0 there were significant changes
> that made it worth refreshing quite a lot of documents in the way you
> suggested.  Ideally pasting as unformatted text or by going via a
> text-editor to strip out all the cruft defunct formatting accumulated
> over the years - and then reapplying styles and formatting after.
> I don't think it's been needed since then.
> If you bounce it around between different formats, especially if it's
> been saved and re-used from a Microsoft format for MS Office 2010 or
> more recent then it might well be a good idea to de-cruft it - but
> that is more to do with the messiness and constantly changing
> "transitional" versions of it's format used in different versions of
> MS Office.
> If it's stayed as an Odt (or whatever) then the build-up of cruft is
> unlikely to be noticeable.
> Regards from
> a Tom :)

Thanks, Tom. This document has never been anything but an .odt, so I'm
safe there. I haven't noticed the file size getting outlandishly
bulbous, either. Once in a while I make a plain-text copy, so between
that and a backup on a flash drive, it sounds like I'm safe continuing
to do what I'm doing.



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