The person who has the file available downloaded and opened it without a
problem. She suggested I try restarting my computer. There are two versions
of the file one with the ODF extension and one with the Microsoft
extension. Neither worked for me. I did restart my computer but haven't had
time to find the file to try it again.

My computer is old. The operating system has some problems, especially
printing. It prints PDF files and emails in tiny script so I have to use a
capture program to print those. My video card is also starting to hiccup so
I ordered another, much smaller computer. I haven't wanted to wipe this one
and start from scratch, so put up with the glitches. I have windows 10 on
my laptop which I don't use much, but I don't like the start menu. Will
have to get used to it now. Hopefully the compensation will be, after I
install everything I need, that the printing will work right (I tried a new
printer so it has to be the operating system) and maybe the ODF file will

More than you wanted to know. Thanks for your reply!

On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 3:20 PM, Tom Davies <> wrote:

> Hi :)
> The ODF (= Open Document Format) for spreadsheets is .odS the .odT is for
> text-based documents.
> LibreOffice can open Microsoft formats such as .xlsx and .xls for
> spreadsheets.  The older format, the .xls, is the better one because it has
> stopped constantly changing in every release of MS Office.
> With .xlsx you can never be sure how messed-up it might be, although it
> does have the advantage that it can handle advanced features (of MS Office)
> that almost no-one uses - although pretty much everyone thinks they use
> them because they don't understand that what is routine and basic for a
> computer is often complicated and tricky for humans.
> However it is worth noting that it is MS Office that has troubles coping
> with almost any formats (even with MS formats) whereas LibreOffice can
> usually handle pretty much anything.
> So the person sending you the file doesn't have to worry about trying to
> understand what they are doing and can just send you a file they saved in
> the normal way they save anything.
> Regards from
> a Tom :)
> On Fri, 10 Aug 2018 15:53 Peggy, <> wrote:
>> Thanks to all of you for helping me to understand how it works.
>> Unfortunately, when I tried to open the file with (what I thought was
>> Writer but was any of them as I now understand) it was saved with the SLSX
>> extenstion, LibreOffice gave me a message that the file was corrupt. I
>> selected the try to fix option, but they couldn't repair it. I had another
>> option to save the file in the .odt extension, but that didn't work
>> either,
>> so it must be the file itself that is the problem. I'll contact the
>> creator
>> of the file.
>> It was worth it to understand yet a little more about LibreOffice!
>> On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 10:12 AM, M Henri Day <>
>> wrote:
>> > Den fre 10 aug. 2018 kl 15:19 skrev Peggy <>:
>> >
>> >> Sorry. I meant 6.0.6. With Win 7 Pro, although I have a new computer on
>> >> the
>> >> way with Win 10 (probaby Home verson). This was the first time I
>> wanted to
>> >> use anything but LibreWriter, so when I couldn't find "Calc"
>> >> or any of the other ones like "Draw" or "Base" I downloaded the newest
>> >> version (besides the one for early adopters) hoping all the modules
>> would
>> >> be there.
>> >> I didn't see anything about having to download them separately.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for replying!
>> >
>> >
>> > Peggy, you certainly shouldn't have to download and install the six LO
>> > modules - Base, Calc, Draw, Impress, Math, Writer - seperately  ; if
>> you've
>> > downloaded the installation package for LibreOffice for Windows
>> > from the LO site and then installed it, when you click the Windows 7
>> menu
>> > icon at the left of your taskbar, and then select «All Programs» you
>> should
>> > see a folder-like icon for LibreOffice 6.0. Clicking that will open to 8
>> > applications : LibreOffice, LibreOffice (Safe Mode), Base, Calc, Draw,
>> > Impress, Math, and Writer. Clicking on any of these should launch that
>> > particular application. Does performing the above lead to a different
>> > outcome for you ?...
>> >
>> > Henri
>> >
>> --
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