Rich Shepard wrote
> I want to add the Delete action to ctrl-d, preferably in all components
> but most importantly in Writer. When I use Tools -> Customize -> Keyboard
> there is no 'delete' action available to assign to ctrl-d. There are
> abundant
> delete-
> <something>
>  actions, but not the same action as produced by the Del
> key.
>    Please show me how I can make ctrl-d act the same as Del.

The *delete* you want is assigned in LibreOffice via the "Backspace"
function, aka a *rubout*.

In Tools -> Customize: Keyboard tab,  select the Ctrl+d key--then search in
the Functions field for "backspace", then click on Modify.  The Ctrl+D key
will drop double underline and take on Backspace.  Both it and the Backspace
key will now show that function.

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