At 00:56 15/03/2019 +0900, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
Since I am struggling with the autocorrect options again ...
I remember that entering (c) once worked .. but not any more.
(c) IS listed under exceptions, but nevertheless it is ALWAYS converted to the copyright symbol, regardless of what I do.

What I CAN do is: type "(c " followed by some other text and LATER add the right-sided bracket.
But that is a rather inconvenient procedure.

Any way out of this?

I'm not sure why you are finding this problem, but an easier - more convenient - workaround should be:
o Type "(c)".
o Type the next character, stimulating the automatic correction.
o Immediately use Crtrl+Z (or Alt+E, U; or Edit | Undo; or click the Undo button in the Standard toolbar) to undo the automatic correction but retain the typing.
o Continue typing.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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