The pdfimport was brought in from the Sun/Oracle extension. It was never
intended to provide PDF editing, nor does it! So, please keep in mind that 
LibreOffice is not a PDF editor.  

Otherwise, this is a known limitation of our pdfimport draw object filter:

see  tdf#101220 <>  

When filter imported--reading the layout and converting to native SVM
objects--the embedded glyphs "subset" into a PDF receive replacement font(s)
within LibreOffice. This  is a practical mater as most PDF do not embed the
*full* font files needed to be able to "edit" a PDF.  Rather, the embedded
*subset* is just those glyphs composing the PDF--again not a problem as
LibreOffice is not a PDF "editor".

While not using the subset glyphs is potentially a filter implementation
issue--more likely it is internal to our font handling which requires
Unicode based fonts--but as most PDF is generated with glyphs assigned to
PUA and legacy "Adobe" code table mappings replacment font handling is

Currently for PDFs that fully embed fonts, LibreOffice will not "install"
those fonts. Meaning it is incumbent on the user to ensure they review the
fonts composing a PDF and obtain them for use--or work with LibreOffice's
font substitution dialog to assign a metric equivalent replacement. 

Even then there can be font naming issues--the font name extracted from PDF
does not match the font name on system--so fallback occurs even though the
font is present. Use of the font-replacment dialog is necessary.

For high fidelity rendering of PDF,  the "new" ipdf filter uses pdfium (a
FOSS Google Chrome project) to render PDF to bitmap image on document
canvas.  That filter is evolving, to provide insertion of multi-page PDF.
And,  to improve the "break" action to bring improved fidelity to the
resulting text strings and eventually skia based draw objects--right now it
is a work in progress and font handling on break is a shambles.

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