
This is something that I've seen for years and I think it applies to Apache
OpenOffice as well. Since I live in a country where English is not the
native language, my keyboard has this AltGr button, I think it's also
called the ”Right Alt key” (and the regular Alt key is referred to as the
”Left Alt key”) in most of the operating systems I've used (currently
Manjaro, I switched from Ubuntu a couple of years ago). Since my alphabet
has 29 letters, there are too few keys for the characters @£${[]}\€, so the
AltGr key is used for that, for instance AltGr+8 → [.

This works perfectly in LibreOffice, no problems there, but it seems like
the AltGr key is disabled, overridden, in some situations, for instance in
combination with the arrow keys, so Alt+← has the exact same effect as just
the ← key by itself.

Do anyone here happen to know why? ←→↓↑ are just keys, like k, c and f.

The reason I ask is that I use my own keyboard layout to make it more
intuitive to type some characters that are normally not on a keyboard, so I
rearranged the original layout a bit. Almost every key now can type a
character with AltGr, in combination with Shift or not. A few examples:
AltGr+[Enter] → ↵
AltGr+Shift+[Enter] → ¶
AltGr+[Tab] → ⇥
AltGr+Shift+[Tab] → ⇤
AltGr+[Backspace] → ⌫
AltGr+Shift+[Backspace] → ⌦
AltGr+↑ → ↑ (the ↑ character, not the ”move to the line above” feature)
and more.

Anyway, since the AltGr key seems disabled in combination with these keys,
I can't type those arrows and things I just mentioned in LibreOffice,
unless I place them at other keys in my layout, but that would be less
intuitive (why would AltGr+i be a →? It is on my native default keyboard
layout, but that doesn't make much sense, does it?).

I mean it's 2019, Unicode has been along for decades and we should be able
to use it with ease, right? I know there are workarounds, like
auto-correction and external programs like AutoKey (which I recommend, by
the way, but only install the latest version; the version in Ubuntu's
repositories for instance, is very outdated and doesn't work properly).

Also, do you think that writing a bug report about this would lead to
anything good? I suspect I will get something like ”don't make your own
keyboard layouts, you moron” in reply at best.

Thanks for listening.
Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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