At 14:36 25/12/2019 -0700, David S. Crampton wrote:
Here it is 9 years later.

I think the answer is much as was given in 2011!

I just encountered a need to have Sheet1 use Footer1 (Sheet1 prints in 3 pages). Then Sheet2 use Footer2 (another 3 pages). With focus on either Sheet1 or Sheet2 to set 'Format | Page | Footer ... ' changes the Footer to be the same in both Sheets. I worked around it but clumsy and error prone.

(You really ought to tell anyone hoping to help you what workaround you have found and consider error-prone.)

Headers and footer are properties of page styles. If you have the same page style for both of your sheets, changing the footer of that page style will obviously affect the pages produced by both sheets. All you need to do is to use a different page style for each of your two sheets (probably creating a suitable new page style yourself) and set appropriate footers in each.

The only difference I see between the behaviour with spreadsheets (Calc) rather than text (Writer) documents is that in text documents you can insert manual page breaks wherever you wish, whereas in spreadsheets you cannot insert them within sheets but an automatic possibility of a break of style occurs between every sheet.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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