At 13:47 06/04/2020 +0900, Howard Barr wrote:
On Fri, 3 Apr 2020, 09:01 , <> wrote:
Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the <> mailing list.

Some messages to you could not be delivered. If you're seeing this message it means things are back to normal, and it's merely for your information.

Here is the list of the bounced messages:
- 55854
- 55855

This happens a lot and always from the same users. I have added these users to my contact info but that hasn't helped. I guess it's my side as others are obviously getting them. What else can I try?

You wrote to me privately about this (from a different address) nearly two years ago. It's all down, I think to DMARC; see . This is a well-intentioned scheme to allow mail providers to reject incoming messages if they originate from a mail server which is not a registered server for the domain in the From: header. Such messages will generally be spoofed and thus spam, so this is a Good Thing. But a problem arises if mailing list processors (quite sensibly) preserve the original From: address on distributed messages - as does the LibreOffice Users list processor. The distributed message claims to be from the original sender (which it is, of course), but is sent via the LibreOffice mail server, which gives it the appearance of being a spoof message. You will fail to receive such messages if both (1) the originating mail domain publishes a list of approved servers and requires receiving systems to reject messages from elsewhere, and (2) your mail provider chooses to play ball and obey this requirement.

It must be that your mail provider satisfies condition (2), and the messages you will fail to receive are those whose mail domains satisfy condition (1). (Mine does this, so I'm having to send you a private copy of this message: you will presumably not receive the copy distributed via the list. I do not receive copies of my own contributions. The bounced messages above may well have been from me. Some others will )

There are solutions to this problem, the simplest of which is for the list processor to append something such as ".INVALID" to the From: address in relevant messages, so that they are no longer recognised as coming from a DMARC-conformant domain. Many mailing list providers do this. I wrote to <> about this as long ago as 1 May 2018, but my suggestion for action was rejected, on the ground that "none of the workarounds [are] satisfactory for everyone". Thus the problem continues.

The present arrangement is unsupportable. You or others could start a campaign to have it put right.

Brian Barker

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