At 20:49 10/09/2020 +0100, Séamas Ó Brógáin  wrote:
Thank you (once again), Brian. I'll test all this in the morning. What I'm trying to achieve is to select all the terms inside the brackets and then in one fell swoop (1) to change them all to italic (and therefore excluding the brackets) and (2) to change the language of the text within the brackets to a different one from the main text. I'll do it all manually if necessary, but there are an awful lot of them!

No need. First use
and Find All to select all the bracketed phrases. Then apply italics and the change of language. Then search for
(meaning open bracket or close bracket) and again Find All to select all brackets. Now undo italics and (if it matters) reset the language for the brackets themselves.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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