=Wanted to see if it could be done outside libreoffice calc, since it doesn't 
want to work.

Since I don't have the original user info, I created a file with 1000 
randomly created data elements.

Created a bash script using sed to do the same processing.
Shell script gps3.sh

sed -e 
sed -e 
paste -d, gps.txt gps.csvgpsboth.csv</div>bc -lgps.rawgps2.txt
paste -d, gps.txt gps2.txtgpsbc.csv#libreoffice --infilter=CSV:44,34,76,1 
gps.csv gpsboth.csv gpsbc.csv

To process the 1000 records time ./gps3.sh reports.


So, less than 4 hundredth of a secondFirst sed line creates a file that just 
has the decimal version for matching line
Second sed line makes a version of the output for use as input to bc, since it 
doesn't like the leading 
= that is needed to import into libreoffice.
paste command just makes a combined version of input data, and result in 
columns A and B
bc -l takes the formula file, and actual calculates the final number, so no 
need for libreoffice to 
calculate it.
paste again combines the two files.
For time test the loading to libreoffice is commented out.

Did find an error in my earlier process thou..
In other macros, date is converted to time value so the multiply by -1 for 
values didn't need ( ).
The above adds that..

Well, a simple solution that works, and libreoffice can read the csv files 
without issue..
Also, a lot faster...

Again. Have a nice day.

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