Den tors 31 dec. 2020 kl 10:43 skrev Johnny Rosenberg <>:

> Den tis 29 dec. 2020 kl 15:29 skrev Peter Dutton <>:
>> In cell
>>           A4 is the following code;
>> ="Monday
>>           "+January.$A5
> Okay, that would give #VALUE! as a result. With you so far.
>> January.$A5
>>           has the number 27 in it (December 27)
> December 27 gives me the value 44192, not 27. 27 december 2020 is 44192
> dags from 1899-12-30, so 44192 makes way more sense than 27 (which would
> rather be 26 january 1900), but let's go on.

Days, not ”dags”. Day=dag in my language, sorry for the confusion…

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

>> What
>>           appears in cell A4 as a result is- Monday    44557
> No, it's #VALUE! I tested it a few seconds ago.
>> What is
>>           needed is- Monday    27
>> I've
>>           tried reformatting cell A4 to a date or text or a number to no
>>           success.
> If you want 27 December to display as Monday 27, then just format the cell
> that way.
> 1. Enter the date you want to format in a cell. Use the format that
> corresponds to your language settings. In my case I would type:
> 20-12-27
> or
> 2020-12-27
> Now use the following as your cell's number format:
> Result (in my case):
> söndag 27
>  If I set the language to US English, it will display:
> Sunday 27
> Why not Monday, you might ask? Because 27 December 2020 was a Sunday.
>> Any
>>           idea how to fix this?
> If you want 2020-12-27 to be a Monday, then no. Otherwise, see above.
> Kind regards
> Johnny Rosenberg
>> Thanks,
>> Peter
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