
I have a large document with lots of images.
All image files are stored on disk externally from the document, in a
directory just beside the odt file. I use relative links to them from the
odt file (inserting them as link).

Now and then, *a large amount of images suddenly disappears from the odt*
as if they never were inserted into the document. I see this fault first
after having closed and reopened the document. I have lost about 100 images
each time...

The image file itself is intact, nothing wrong with it. I can insert it
I have never *seen* that an image gets missing when I just do save, but
since close and open does not update the file(?), the bug seem to occur "in
the background" during save. After save, the images are still there in the
opened document and I can continue adding more.

The image count in *Files->Properties->Statistics* still show the correct
old number as it should be when I open a faulty odt, but I am uncertain how
this count is kept, whether it actually counts the image tags. It's
behaviour is strange. What does the reset button do? When fiddling around
with reset, OK and other stuff I suddenly see a lower image count here
which probably reflects the true amount. I have monitored this count in
order to detect when images disappear, but obviously that count was a false
indication. I suspect the fault occur at save, but I don't *see* the fault
until I close and reopen the document?

The missing images are not part of the *Edit->Links to external files*...
And they are not part of the *Images* list in the *Navigator*.
If I open the xml file inside the odt, there is no trace of the image at
the place where it should be located.
So, the image is truly gone from the xml code.

One interesting observation is that images of type *.svg* seem to create a
png copy inside LO, which is stored in the Pictures directory of the odt. I
have noticed that LO sometimes fails to write all of them. Some may be
missing, but after opening the document and saving it again, they reappear
(not 100.0% sure about this).

I'm using the latest stable version 6.4.x of libreoffice.
I first saw this problem in September. Not sure for how long it has been
The document has about 1400 pages with about 1800 images. I *am* aware of
its size...
It has an old history, starting in the old version of Google Docs, to
openoffice and then to libreoffice writer. I wonder if there is a way to
"clean" the xml file?

To my question, is this a known problem? Is redmine the place to report it?

A more pressing question is *how I can monitor this bug. How do a get a
true count of images* in the document that I can use regularly to monitor
this? I cannot get a grip on the behaviour of the statistics page. Do I
need to write a macro, or a python script that reads the odt?

I can try 1000 things to isolate this bug, but I stop here in case someone
can point me in a good direction.


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