Hi Rob, did you ever get this answered.
You could use something like the below for the cells with a '+' in them.
Assuming below is row 4, vertical bars are cell borders.

If you need it to be generic for with/without the + then you could use an IF to check, shown below for row 5.


On 18/10/2021 12:13, Rob Jasper wrote:
Hi list-users,

I have the following question:

I have in column A value either a number, or string in the format  <NR>+<NR>, 
in col B I want to calculate what’s in Col A

       10       10
12+72   84
       33       33
66+72   138

So, I tired the formula =INDIRECT(“=“&A1) but I only get REF!
What am I doing wrong here, and how can I achieve what I want?

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