On 7/18/22 21:35, Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
Thanks for the reply. I have LibreOffice version as
loaded by default for my Fedora 35 and also have
LibreOffice downloaded from libreoffice.

With both I have tried a simple saved file with the word
test in it. File is saved. Have Tools / Options / Internet /
Email set to /usr/bin/WSENDTO (Thou I did also try using
the direct path to program as well.).

/usr/bin/WSENDTO has this.
echo $0 $1 $2 $3
O.EXE $1

Strange thing is that absolutely nothing happens. No box
opens, and nothing in way of a error message is showing
up.. But with my simple macro - running it opens the
email client and has the document attached with no

LO doesn't actually call /usr/bin/WSENDTO with the document's pathname as an argument (as one might expect). What rather happens, for better or worse (see CmdMailSuppl::sendSimpleMailMessage at <https://git.libreoffice.org/core/+/refs/heads/master/shell/source/cmdmail/cmdmailsuppl.cxx#112>), is that LO calls its senddoc helper script (see <https://git.libreoffice.org/core/+/refs/heads/master/shell/source/unix/misc/senddoc.sh>) with lots of arguments, among them `--mailclient` `/usr/bin/WSENDTO`.

And that senddoc script then tries to guess from the given mail client's basename what program that is, and knows how to pass it along all the other arguments, potentially specifying the mail's to, cc, body, attachment, etc. But that senddoc script doesn't know anything about a mail client with basename WSENDTO, so gives up and tries something like xdg-email instead, but which apparently doesn't lead to any success with your setup, either.

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