El vie, 16-12-2022 a las 01:17 +0000, W. Robert J. Funnell, Prof.
> My assumption is that Chris is looking for help on when to hyphenate
> compound adjectives (like 'the red-brown dog' but 'the big brown
> dog'), similar to how LO has rules about when to hyphenate words at
> the ends of lines. Hyphenation of compound adjectives involves a lot
> of judgment and personal taste. As far as I know, there's nothing
> about it in LO.
> - Robert
> ________________________________________
This does not affect just adjectives, but some nouns -- and evolves
over time, such that the phrasal verb "follow up" is hyphenated as
adjective ("follow-up report"), but appears either hyphenated or as one
word (followup) when used as a noun. The trend in the latter case,
AFAIK, is to make the noun a single word -- or maybe it is just my
personal taste.

Even the LanguageTool plugin provides only limited help. Testing with:

"I would like you to followup on this issue. The follow-up should be
complete and presented in the form of a follow up report."

LanguageTool highlighted the hyphenated form and reported: "When
‘follow-up’ is used as a noun or modifier, it needs to be hyphenated."
It also reported the instance without a hyphen noting: "‘follow up’
seems to be a compound adjective before a noun. Use a hyphen: «follow-
up»." However, it did not flag the single-word form used as a verb.

The other positive in this example is that LanguageTool notes that
"follow up" should be hyphenated before a noun. Predicate adjectives
are excluded: "He is a well-known author." "The author is well known."

The problem in implementing this is we can expect not only temporal,
positional and personal variation, but dialectical as well with, in my
experience, en_GB being more conservative (although the case cited
above with LanguageTool was for en_US).

All of this makes the implementation of such help a minefield
(something I am sure was once a "mine field")!

In short, using LanguageTool or even adding examples to a dictionary is
not foolproof and you must be prepared to reject some "corrections" and
accept that some errors will be missed.


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