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On 10/04/2023 15:47, Michael Tiernan wrote:
> When attempting to muddle about with some data from a google form.
> First, the version info is:
> Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community Build ID:
> 53bb9681a964705cf672590721dbc85eb4d0c3a2 CPU threads: 8; OS: Mac OS X
> 13.3; UI render: default; VCL: osx Locale: en-US (en_US.UTF-8); UI:
> en-US Calc: threaded
> I have ~104 "Fields" from a long google form. They look like this:
> Timestamp
> Email Address
> Respondent's Name: (Last, First)
> Respondent's preferred pronoun:
> Respondent's Title:
> Respondent's Email:
> Respondent's Phone Number:
> Full/Proper name for your group:
> What do you use for an abbreviation for your group?
> Choose Section Please:
> Choose Principle Investigator to edit
> Principle Investigator #1 Name: (Last, First)
> Principle Investigator #1 Title:
> Principle Investigator #1 Phone:
> Principle Investigator #1 Email:
> Mailing list membership for PI#1 [xxx Announce]
> Mailing list membership for PI#1 [xxx Alarm]
> Add another?
> Principle Investigator #2: Name: (Last, First)
> Principle Investigator #2: Title:
> ...
> (I get what I was handed.)
> So, now, I try to create a DB with it.
> I open the "Create DB" dialog and begin to work my way through it.
> I get this screen: (As expected.)
> So, trying to use almost all the fields execept for a couple. So, I do
> the ">>" thing to move them all over so I can go delete the ones I don't
> want. That gives us this screen:
> On this screen, I tried to resize the "Query Wizard" screen to be wider
> so that I can read the field names and I can't.
> That's the bug.

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