El lun, 25-09-2023 a las 04:20 +0000, Madhu Patel escribió:
> Hey folks!
> How to convert a Multi-Page Text file to PNG, for example:- I have a
> Text document of 5 pages and I want to convert that into PNG. By
> default, it's giving a PNG of only 1st page. How to get the PNG file
> for ith page using LibreOffice.
> I used the PageRange filter like this, but it does not work, it's
> also giving the PNG only for 1st page.
> Also, I'm not able to generate multiple PNGs for multi-page word
> files using the LibreOffice Application
> CLI:-
> soffice --convert-to
> 'png:writer_png_Export:{"PageRange":{"type":"string","value":"2-"}}'
> test.odt
> JAVA:-
> conversionProperties[0] = new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue();
> conversionProperties[0].Name = "FilterName";
> conversionProperties[0].Value ="writer_png_Export";
> conversionProperties[1] = new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue();
> conversionProperties[1].Name = "PageRange";
> conversionProperties[1].Value ="2-";
> thanks!
This does not really solve the direct conversion problem, but given
that the document is short, why no export pdfs of each page and then
convert them to png?


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