Good afternoon
I do have a problem.
Recently I upgraded to, because I wanted to enjoy the highlighting of rows and columns in Calc.
Which to me, however, looks horrible and I am not using it now.

Since I upgraded, I noticed that when I try scrolling through big Calc sheets, but also somewhat bigger Writer files, that the scrolling becomes sickeningly slow the moment the cursor (selected cell) reaches the screen edge. Meaning, when I scroll down for example, the cursor scrolls/slides down the screen in an almost normal fashion, but when the lower border is reached, it stops for a short rest, moves to the next cell - stops for a short rest - moves to the next cell ... forever.
In ALL directions.
Not as marked, but a similar behavior in Writer too.

I tried the aboven mentioned LO version on FOUR machines, three Windows 10 (basically all the same setting and software installed) and one Linux (LMDE6) machines.
Everywhere exactly the same.
Two note books are a little older and one might argue, the hardware is not up to the job, but I am typing this mail using the workstation in my office: 2 XEON processors with a total of 16 cores = 32 logical CPUs, 64 GB RAM, several TB to spare for storage
and the OS runs from a 500 GB SSD. And I use a brand new monitor.
I refuse to believe, this kind of hardware is "not enough".

So, is the a trick like changing the setting somewhere to make it faster?
Over the past 10-15 years I have been using Libreoffice, I have never felt so frustrated with the poor performance. If there is no trick and the slow motion "the way LO is supposed to work now" ... I gladly go back to an earlier version that worked.
This is too much stress.

I DO hope, there is a trick to get a proper behavior.
Thank you

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