I'm buried in work and biz travel so apologies if this quick reply is not on topic ...

By FAR the best way to run standalone Grid Engine clusters on the Amazon Cloud today is to simply use MIT Starcluster :


The people behind starcluster basically did everything I did many years ago as part of my cheesy demos showing SGE on the "cloud" at various meetings and talks. The main difference is they did it correctly with smart people who can write good code, heh. And they also extended and added all the usual features that you would want and request. It really is a nice solution. Much of the code is python.

My company is a big user and we are helping push it into more enterprise environments by (for instance) making sure that it plays nicely with VPC VPNs and HTTP proxies and other odd network/use-cases that you don't often see in academic environments.

Bridging cloud SGE nodes to local SGE clusters ("hybrid clusters", "cloud bursting") is a different story, this is something that I pretty much refuse to do mainly because in my field I'm bound by data movement and moving job data into and out of the cloud is slow enough to be a deal breaker. The networking is also a hassle.

SDM can do this, you can do this yourself on Amazon via linking your local and cloud subnets via Amazon VPC.

Univa can also do this with their own products that contain grid engine + other cool stuff.


Dave Love wrote:
LaoTsao<laot...@gmail.com>  writes:

Could SDM help in this case?

Maybe (e.g. 
and there are other options like OpenNebula (e.g. the links at

If anyone wants it, the SDM source is available under
http://arc.liv.ac.uk/downloads/SGE/ as hedeby-*.tar.gz, roughly in the
state it was left at sunsource.net.  I haven't tried to build it against
post-6.2u5 SGE, and I don't remember how the build works to know whether
to expect any problems.
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